Wednesday, March 2, 2011


You may not want to read this...It is really here for the journal aspect of my blog.  Read on if you must, but feel free to abort at any time...

I had a toenail issue.  (Leaving yet?)  A yucky thing of which I will not speak led to having the nail fall off (which, remarkably, doesn't hurt at all).  Bandaid, bandaid, bandaid (repeated daily for about 6 months) and the nail is growing back nicely.  Yay me.  I see toe polish in my summer's future. 


A week or so ago, I noticed the toe around said nail was red.  Hmmm.  Then it started hurting.  Uh oh.  Then it had some other issues, again of which I will not speak because it is a bit ooky.  DANG it.  You see, I have sort of chubby toes.  The skin likes to "hug" my toenail.  Gotta be careful how I cut them so as to not get one in-grown.  Sadly, when the nail grew back it did not follow the directions about not being pointy and such.  So it grew into the chubby toe skin.  Today, I took toe to the doctor.   MUCH discussion ensued.  She wanted to take the whole thing off.  I countered by asking, "Won't it just happen again when it grows back like it did this time?"  She doesn't think so, but obviously there is no guarantee.  We decided on a compromise, which without too much detail is that some nail remains and some is gone. 

It hurts, cuz this time it was a nice healthy nail that was attached properly.  Poor toe.  And poor arm, where I had to get a tetanus booster (which is actually the most sore part of me right now).  And poor bo-hiney, which had to get an antibiotic shot.  And poor wallet.  $227.  Ew.


  1. Oh Colleen. Not good. I've had almost the exact same issue with my toe, too. A bed frame feel on it last summer (OW!), which after much pain and suffering led to the toe-nail falling off. Now it is finally starting to grow back, and a couple of weeks ago I had a KILLER in-grown toenail.

    Because I am afraid of German doctors, I looked online and doctored it myself. I find that if I keep a tiny bit of cotton wedged under the side of the toenail edge, it is just fine. If that cotton falls out, even for just a couple of hours, it immediately starts to get inflamed again. It also helps to soak the toe in warm water before replacing the cotton, as that seems to soften everything up.

    I can honestly say, I feel your pain! We are Big Toe Sisters!

  2. And after all that pain and craziness, you still come over to serve a friend!! You are truly amazing Colleen!!!
    I couldn't have survived without your help. Thank you a million times over. Hope you get 100% better FAST!!!

  3. Ouch, sorry for your toe troubles...and then you have to pay the doctor- doesn't that just kick you while you're down?
