Sunday, November 10, 2013

State Fair and Lion King

Our wonderful friends, the Ballards, gifted Kendra with two tickets to see the Broadway musical The Lion King at Dallas Music Hall (for her birthday).  The show was being performed at the same time as the State Fair of Texas, and because the Music Hall is on the edge of the fairgrounds, our tickets allowed free admission to the fair on the day of our performance.  Luckily, our tickets were for a student holiday from school (and I took the professional development day off).  (For the record, this was October 11, 2013)

Years ago, when we came to the fair the first time, this was Kendra's favorite attraction.  It's a mini-farm which is all interactive.  This little apron was huge on her then!

She's rather proud of this pic---she loves that she is WAY too big for the tractor this year!

Me and my friend, Mr. Camel

Our treats of choice:  Dippin' Dots for her, Funnel Cake for me.

We did a super quick change-o in the car and voila!  Ready for Lion King.  It was spectacular!!!

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