Monday, July 19, 2010

Giddy Up Pardner!

Yes, we are having more fun in Michigan than might be legally allowable.   Is that a problem?

My really great friend Julie and her family own a couple of horses, and besides the amazing company she is to begin with, the added bonus of horse riding makes a visit to her house awesome.  Kendra was so excited to ride and to see her old pal, Charlie the pony.  A little story about Charlie:  back before Julie had her house built, they boarded their horse across the street with their neighbor.  The neighbor had a horse named Cooler and Charlie pony.  Charlie is a little white Shetland who is THIRTY FIVE YEARS OLD.  Did you know that ponies live so long?  Charlie still has a good five years yet before he reaches average life span!  Well, Kendra fell in love with Charlie several years ago when we still lived here.  You see, Charlie only likes children.  He doesn't let adults anywhere near him willingly, but he'll let a small child pet and groom and hug on him all day long.  Julie's daughter's have now passed the height requirement for Charlie's tastes, but Kendra is still short enough that he allows her attention.  So she groomed him and hugged on him and loved him for a good while that day.

Kendra also got to ride the "big" horses.  She first rode with Julie leading the horse.

Then she told us that she wanted to try it on her own.  Pretty brave, I thought, considering her feet didn't even reach the stirrups so she had only her sense of balance to keep her up in the saddle.  Luckily the horse (can't remember his name!) was super sweet and gave her a nice smooth ride. 

After riding, we enjoyed a yummy lunch together and Julie and visited while Kendra played with L.  They went out to see L's chickens--she has 13 chickens that she raises for selling eggs!  Five of them are adults and are laying eggs now, and the other eight are "teenagers" yet and will be laying in a few months.  She has quite a little business going already...pretty cool! 

We are so glad we got to spend time with these awesome people.  I love Julie and I could talk to her for DAYS.  We still haven't caught up all the way yet, and it is doubtful that we will.  Sigh. 

1 comment:

  1. You sure know how to make a girl feel good! I am so happy to see you guys when you are here. It is so true that with good friends it doesn't matter how long it has been since you last talked! You are awesome. THanks for spending time with us.
