First, let's have a moment of silence for the fact that it is June 29 and a month of summer has departed.
Thank you.
School year goes fast, but dang! Summer goes faster. Sigh.
The first week of June was at Disney. See prior post. We got home and I'm constantly amazed at how I work a full time (+!!!) job and get anything done the rest of the year! We made a list of "extra" house jobs to do that we never have energy and time for during the school year. Completed so far are: cleaning out the garage, organizing the junk drawers, organizing and cleaning out bathroom drawers, organizing Kendra's desk in her room, etc. There are a few things left to do before our annual trek north, but we'll get them done (unless I keep adding to it, which I keep doing!)
Here's a regular activity in our summer...drink stops at QT!!! Coke Zero with vanilla for me, Freezonis for Kendra! | | | |
Kendra had to get 11 year old booster shots this year (she's almost 12---we waited until the last possible moment!) The problem with booster shots is that the kids don't remember how shots feel from the last time---and that they really aren't that bad. Poor Kendra was totally stressed about it the whole morning and through the appointment.
Yep, that's a worried face! |
But then after the shots the first thing she said was, "That wasn't bad at all!" They never believe the mama....
Ahhh...glad that's done. (She had to stay laying down for a while after because she held her breath!!) |
We celebrated my birthday in Florida at Disney, but also got to have a lovely dinner with our friends the Ballards who made my favorite--yellow cake with chocolate frosting. My mom also sent me these cute shoes.
We spent time at our neighborhood pool, but not nearly as much as we have in the past years. Our pool buddies (the Rodgers') moved away, darn them. But we did hang out with some church friends occasionally---Kendra is a big help because they have five kids under age 9!!!
E loves Kendra! |
One of my parents from my class this year owns an art studio where they host mom-and me painting classes. She gifted me with an evening to paint with Kendra---we had a great time!
We started Kendra's bedroom makeover during Spring Break, but didn't get the vinyl decor stars up and finished until now! It's all done and she loves it!

A rather big-deal thing happened for me early June. I have been itching to change teaching assignments for a couple years now. I put in a transfer for a spot at the middle school where Kendra attends. I really like the principal and the staff there is awesome, plus the bonus of being where Kendra is again is great. The principal called me to interview for a Reading Interventionist spot---and I immediately got so excited because it would be a PERFECT fit for me. I would be doing intense interventions for struggling readers. I really prepared for this interview and walked in with a bunch of great ideas. The interview went pretty well---there are always questions you wish you had answered a little differently, though. I interviewed on Monday, and he said he'd let me know by Friday. Friday came, and I didn't get the job. I was devastated. I honestly couldn't think of a better fit for me. He told me, though, that he really saw me as a classroom teacher, impacting more kids. He said I was on his "short list" and that sometimes it takes a while for his short list people to get over to him in a perfect fit spot. Even though he said it wasn't a major factor in his decision, I think part of it was that at my school I was the last person standing on my fourth grade team. The other five people left this year---one moved down to 2nd grade, two are moving out of state, one retired, and one wasn't invited back. So I was the only person left with experience teaching fourth, and I think he felt like he'd be leaving my current principal in a bind if he took me (not to mention the fact that my principal is new this year too!) :-( I know my current school needs me. I KNOW the Lord has a plan and I'm where I am supposed to be. I just wish sometimes His plan and my wishes would be more in sync. I know I'll look back and be glad it went the way it did, but right now it is still a bitter taste, I'll be honest. But, at least I got myself a snazzy new outfit for the interview! :-)

There is a new drive-in movie theater in downtown Fort Worth so we went on opening night for Monsters University. On advisement from several people, we got there super early---TOO early. But we brought some games and books and just hung out together. The movie was cute, and it wasn't too hot--we had all the windows down, the sun roof open, and the back hatch window up so had a decent breeze. Can't imagine doing it in July or August in Texas, though!!!
We played view of downtown, especially after dark |
We also were smart and brought pillows!! :-) |
This last week Kendra participated in an acting camp through the community theater we love, the Artisan. It was an improv camp and she went for three hours each afternoon. She had a blast and I received some nice compliments about her from the teacher. She said Kendra was "very talented, very mature, and very smart." She urged her to try out for some shows at Artisan. Kendra hopes to audition for the production of Little Women the Musical if there is a part age-appropriate for her---she's hoping there is a Young Amy part. :-) We'll see....
We're off to Michigan next week in search of cooler weather. Last year when we were there the temps rivaled and even beat Texas heat....we DO NOT want a repeat, please!!!